onsdag 22. juni 2011

New e-learning module: Foliations

I have posted a new e-module on my website on foliations (Chapter 12 of the book). It probably contains several errors at this point, so please send comments if you catch some of them, or if there are things that you think should be done differently. Link to the e-module

Binding problem resolved

Unfortunately, quite a few copies of the first printing of my book had a binding problem. Some copies were basically falling apart after some use! This problem, which was related to the glue or gluing process, was resolved with the 2nd printing (April 2011) which was sewn bound (as will future reprints). A 3rd printing is being prepared, and a number of errors will be fixed with that printing.

Starting a blog

This blog was made to get closer to the users of my book and the structural community in general. At this point it is an experiment, but I want to try this arena to get feedback and discussions around various aspects of the book that I will use during the preparation for the next edition, and also just to share and exchange opinions about things that have to do with structural geology.